Payment window API

This document is intended to describe the communications protocols that are used for communication between the Partner and Direct2Internet.

Production URL: https://{psp-url}/pay
Test URL: https://{psp-url}/pay/test
Merchant admin URL: https://{psp-url}/admin

The value {psp-url} depends on your setup. This can be your company name for instance the test URL could be located at 

If you are setting up a test merchant the psp-url will commonly be

this means you will commonly make test payment calls to 

and use 

for accessing the administration gui.

To succesfully integrate a single merchant to D2I PSP you need a merchant id, secret key, user login, user password and the psp-url

Authentication using a checksum is based on the sum of parameter values and a secret key

Status return codes for success and failure are based on ISO8583 status codes ver 1993 with some minor differences. Status return code "000" is success while other return codes are basically failures. 

Note that the parameter order id can be no longer than 20 characters. The exact length of order id depends on how transactions are sent through Mastercard/Visa payment system. Many Mastercard/Visa systems cannot handle more than 20 characters, and in some rare cases only handle as few as 10 characters.


merchant_id string yes Merchants unique id.
order_id string yes Order id is a reference generated by the merchants system it has maximum length is 20 chars. Order id should be unique to make it easy to trace payment issues and avoid errors with certain payments. Payments may however reuse order id when customers have issues with owned payment cards and try using another payment card.
amount string yes The amount of the transaction must be 1 unit-of-currency (100 = 1 kr).
currency string no Currency to be used in payment: ‘SEK’,‘EUR’,‘DKK’,‘NOK’,‘GBP’,‘USD’,'PLN', 'HRK'. Default ‘SEK’.
language string no Language in payment window. ‘SE’,’NO’,’DK’,’GB’, 'FI', 'PL', 'HR'. Default ‘SE’.
accept_url string yes URL where customer is redirected after successful payment.
cancel_url string no URL where customer is redirected when clicking cancel in payment window.
callback_url string no URL where payment gateway sends transaction data after successful payment.
do_3d_secure string yes ‘NO’ disables 3D-Secure. Please note that the banks liability shift is not active if 3D-secure is not used. Default ’YES’.
pay_method string no To control which payment methods to display in payment window. ‘PAYWIN’ displays all payment methods. ‘CARD’/ 'DEBITCARD'/'CREDITCARD' displays only card entry. ‘BANK’ displays only bank payment. 'INVOICE' displays only invoice payment,'SWISH' displays only swish payment. Default ‘PAYWIN’.
return_method  string  no  Method to call accept_url. ’POST’ or ’GET’. Default ’POST’.
prompt_name_entry  string  no  Control if cardholder name entry should be displayed in payment window. ‘YES’ activates fields. Default ‘NO’.
result_redirect  string  no  ‘NO’ means that customer is displayed a web page after successful payment instead of being redirected to accept_url. Default ‘YES’.
create_subscription  string  no  ‘YES’ means that an extra parameter ‘subscription_trans_id’ is sent to accept and callback-url if payment is successful. This is a reference to the card number that can be used later to debit the card. Please note that this requires support at the acquiring bank.
posenv  string  no  Used to define where the transaction originates. This is important to match the acquiring agreement. ‘SSL’, ‘MAIL’, ‘TELEPHONE’ Default: ‘SSL’
capture_now  string  no  ‘YES’ means that the payment is flagged for automatic debit. No separate call for debit is required. Default ‘NO’.
customer_name  string  no  The full name of the customer. Required for invoice payments.
customer_street1  string  no  Street address of customer. Required for invoice payments.
customer_street2  string  no  Street address of customer
customer_zipcode  string  no  Zip code of customer. Required for invoice payments.
customer_city  string  no Customers city. Required for invoice payments.
oiTypes  string  no  Names of columns for order rows described left to right. Names are separated by ';' (semi colon). Valid names are: AMOUNT, DESCRIPTION, ITEMID, ITEMPRICE, QUANTITY, DISCOUNT, VATPERCENT


oiRow(1..n)  string  no  Contains the order row for the payment in the same order as oiTypes. Each row is described by "oiRow1", "oiRow2" and so on.
mac  string  no  SHA-256 checksum calculated as the example below.

Example call

  <form action="https://<psp-url>/pay" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="merchant_id" value="1007">
  <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="WebOrder-2023">
  <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="1000">
  <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="SEK">
  <input type="hidden" name="accept_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="callback_url" value="">
  <input type="hidden" name="pay_method" value="PAYWIN">
  <input type="hidden" name="mac" value="0a87b7f2c02f661d9bc982de586346f5dfd6ce0017cf8cdf74067c6518704639">

Flow Chart

Order rows 

Column description

Column name Description
AMOUNT * The total amount (without vat) of all items in the row (minus discount if present)
DESCRIPTION * The description of the product
ITEMID Specific ID for the product
ITEMPRICE Price for one item (without vat)
QUANTITY Quantity of items
DISCOUNT Discount for this row, substract this value in the amount field
VATPERCENT * Valid values are: 2500, 1200, 600, 0

*Mandatory Fields

Example order rows

<input type="hidden" name="oiRow1" value="800;T-shirt blue;12211;500;2;200;2500">
<input type="hidden" name="oiRow2" value="1800;T-shirt red;12212;1000;2;200;2500">
<input type="hidden" name="oiRow3" value="-100;Discount;;;;;0">
<input type="hidden" name="oiRow4" value="2500;Shipping fee;;;;;0">
8.00 T-shirt blue 12211 5.00 2 2.00 25.00
18.00 T-shirt red 12212 10.00 2 2.00 25.00
-1.00 Discount         0
25.00 Shipping fee         0

Total amount that has to be sent to paywin is including VAT:

VAT Product 1: 8.00 * 0.25 = 2.00
VAT Product 2: 18.00 * 0.25 = 4.5
VAT Product 3: 0
VAT Product 4: 0

Round(6.5) = 7.00

Paywin amount = (800 + 1800 - 100 + 2500 + 700) = 5700

Call to accept_url

Call to accept_url sends through the customers web browser after a successful payment with HTTP GET or HTTP POST depending on the value of the parameter return_method. The parameters below is example on parameters that is sent:

trans_id 2457  
merchant_id 1007  
order_id WebOrder-2023  
amount 1000  
currency SEK  
mac 2637ace2f7863540bd3eb477e1 4ee675b74eb8f38da18b9172f7 00d215f5afe2  
status 0  
pay_method visa Shows the payment method the customer choosed.(card: visa/mc or bank: handelsbanken/sebprivate/sebbusiness/ nordea/swedbank)
time 2012-03-06 09:58:49  
error_message Approved  

Card payments parameters:

card_no 422222......2222  
exp_mon 12  
exp_year 14  
approval_code AB1624  

Invoice payments parameters:

invoice_number 10006 The invoice number generated.
invoice_name Kjell Börje Håkan Zerykier  
invoice_street1 Lillavan 7  
invoice_zipcode 52230  
invoice_city Tidaholm  
invoice_update_delivery_address NO If set to YES the address returned is the updated address of consumer.

Call to callback_url

Same parameters that is sent to accept_url is also sent to callback_url after a successful payment. This is sent directly from the payment gateway. Format of the data is in JSON, example:

    "trans_id": "2457", 
    "merchant_id": "1007", 
    "order_id": "WebOrder-2023",
    "amount": "1000",
    "currency": "SEK",
    "status": "0",
    "card_no": "422222......2222",
    "pay_method": "visa",
    "time": "2012-03-06 09:58:49",
    "approval_code": "AB1624",
    "exp_mon": "12",
    "exp_year": "14",
    "error_message": "Approved",

The callback_url is also used for asynchronous reporting of sudden and unexpected changes to the payment state. This happens regularly for some payment types or when an unusual and unexpected error occurs in the payment processing. Format of the data is in JSON, for example an error due to a sudden cable break somewhere in the payment network may in response send the following:

    "status": "909",
    "trans_id": "5034523",
    "event": "capture",


MAC calculation

Sort all parameters in alphabetic order based on the parameter name. Concatenate all parameter values into a single string. Append the merchant secret key to the string. Calculate SHA256 sum on the string to produce the mac value.

For example using the following parameter in the post call:

amount 1000
currency SEK
merchant_id 1007
order_id WebOrder-2023
pay_method PAYWIN

After copying all parameter values into a string we get the following: 20231000

Append the merchants secret key, in this example X85LmHiJ98, to produce the final string: 20231000

Calculate SHA-256-sum on the final string:


The javascript code below can be used to calculate the MAC value. It depends on javascript JQuery, sha256 libs and the html form element included in the example.

The following form should be sent to the client

<form action="" 
    method="post" id="store-send-params">
	<input name="merchant_id" value="your merchant id">
        ... and additional fields..

        .. and include the mac field ..
        <input  id="actMAC" name="mac" value="">


Secret key (this key should be stored on server and never be sent to client)
<input  id="mac-secret" name="mac-secret" value="a secret key">  

Recalc button
<button onclick="recalcMAC()">Calc Mac</button>

function recalcMAC() {
        function joinData(data) {
                out = ""
                for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
                        out = out + data[i][1];
                return out;

        var allInputsJQ = $("#store-send-params :input" );
        var allInputs = [];
        for(var i=0;i<allInputsJQ.length;i++) {
                var v = allInputsJQ[i];
                if(!="" &&!="mac" && v.value!="") {

        var nstr = joinData(allInputs) + $("#mac-secret")[0].value;
        var machash = Sha256.hash(nstr)
        $("#actMAC")[0].value = machash;


API debit payment

On payments where capture_now is not set on the call to payment window, you can later call for a debit on the payment. (You can also debit payments through the administration interface.)

When calling from an external source you must use html basic access authentication adding the user name and the password in the html header (Authorization field).
Address to call externally:


URL: https://{psp-url}/admin/capture
Name Format Mandatory Description
merchant_id  string  yes Merchants unique id.
order_id  string  yes Order-ID that were used during payment that will be debited.
trans_id  string  yes Transaction-id that were returned during the payment.
amount  string  yes Amount to debit. Must be 1 unit-of- currency (100 = 1 kr).
mac  string  no SHA-256 checksum.


    "status": "0",
    "error_message": "",

API void payment

 To void a reserved (authorized) amount without using the administration interface it's also possible to call it externally.

When calling from an external source you must use html basic access authentication adding the user name and the password in the html header (Authorization field).
Address to call externally:


URL: https://{psp-url}/admin/void
Name Format Mandatory Description
merchant_id  string  yes Merchants unique id.
order_id  string  yes Order-ID that were used during payment that will be debited.
trans_id  string  yes Transaction-id that were returned during the payment.
amount  string  yes Amount to debit. Must be 1 unit-of- currency (100 = 1 kr).
mac  string  no SHA-256 checksum.


    "status": "0",
    "error_message": "",

API credit payment

To credit a debited payment without using the administration interface it’s also possible to call externally.

When calling from an external source you must use html basic access authentication adding the user name and the password in the html header (Authorization field).
Address to call externally:


URL: https://{psp-url}/admin/credit
Name Format Mandatory Description
merchant_id  string  yes Merchants unique id.
order_id  string  yes Order-ID that were used during payment that will be debited.
trans_id  string  yes Transaction-id that were returned during the payment.
amount  string  yes Amount to debit. Must be 1 unit-of- currency (100 = 1 kr).
mac  string  no SHA-256 checksum.


    "status": "0",
    "error_message": "",

API recurring payment

To authorize/debit on a stored card number it’s possible to call:

When calling from an external source you must use html basic access authentication adding the user name and the password in the html header (Authorization field).
Address to call externally


URL: https://{psp-url}/admin/subscription_auth
Name Format Mandatory Description
merchant_id  string  yes Merchants unique id.
order_id  string  yes Order-ID that were used during payment that will be debited.
trans_id  string  yes Transaction-id that were returned during the payment.
amount  string  yes Amount to debit. Must be 1 unit-of- currency (100 = 1 kr).
mac  string  no SHA-256 checksum.


    "status": "0",
    "error_message": "",